Happy Holidays! We have so much stuff for you to buy for all your friends and you! We have new Chupa Chups jumbo pillows, 26 inches long. Kei loves them, ($30).
And we have new Spicy Brown t-shirts for guys and girls, ($22), thermal shirts, ($30), and the hoodies, ($48), back in. Here is Kei wearing the new Tofu Astro T-Shirt.
Here's Steph wearing the new Octopus Roll tshirt, it's $22. We also have the baby gloomy bears in, they come in baby pink, blue, and yellow, and are only $25...they have drool instead of blood...super cute!
Here is another new Spicy Brown shirt, it says, "Miso Tasty." And Steph is holding this new cute elephant plush we just got in. They come in light grey, pink, and blue. They're $28.
We also have their new thermal shirts, they're $30 each...and the new Gloomy Bear hip bags, they clip to the belt loops on your jeans...we love these...they come in pink, blue, black, and white...and they're only $15.
This is the tofu robot, light blue, thermal shirt and another cute elephant.
We still have some of the new Gama-Go hoodies in stock. They are all $84 each, guys and girls. They are limited edition. Gama-Go only made 350 of each. So, once they're gone, they're gone. Gama-Go Panda Hoody
Gama-Go Tiger Lily Hoodie
Yeti Hoodie
Kaiju Hoodie
We also got these 3 t-shirts in...Here is Kei wearing them...I apologize for the crazy faces he makes, but it makes us laugh. PacMan Tshirt
Donkey Kong Tshirt
we also got new mario stuff!!! like new sound plush(25$) and lots of keychains (7.50$)(theres a close up of jalissa holding them)
Heres the close up....
also more gloomy stuff . likeeeeeee... the solar gloomys are back(25$) .. new gloomy water bottles(18$),14" gloomy beanie plush(30$), mummy and broken bone gloomy(20$), more keychains and phone plush(8$), gloomy notebooks!(6$), and the best of all gloomy hip packs !!(15$)
NEW tire dogs including his friend HANGER DOG!! (in pink and blue! 18$)....and we got in more of the tire dog plush that we used to have..
Domokun plush storage cubes(18$), bath sponges(9$) and phone charms(6$) and ninja and toast plush are back in(20$) !
My Melody special edition mushroom plush (18$)
and just to remind you chupa chups!!!!!!!!(30$)
and alot of little stuff .. phone charms... blind box hello kitty stuff... mini fake food toys... buff monster toys... i heart guts plush... street fighter sound keychains...new video game t shirts for men andddd we also got the make me a sandwich shirts back in for both boys and girls!! so come by today and get your christmas presents for all of your friends and yourself :)